Raising children can be challenging and quite daunting, especially if you’re doing it for the first time.
Are you dealing with stereotypes or do you think your child’s behavior is different from other children? Are you receiving a lot of well-intentioned and unwanted advice from your surroundings…?
We can support you in parenting and provide you with tips and tools. We can even make home visits and work with you to determine what you need.
Parenting is not always easy and fun. It’s something I do with a lot of love and passion, hoping that I’m doing it right! I used to think parenting was easy, that I could handle it. Until I had a little baby in my arms that I was responsible for. I began to doubt myself and my way of thinking. I needed to make changes, and I needed to do it quickly. The first two years went smoothly; he was a sweet little boy and super cute. Then came the toddler phase. He became defiant and tested boundaries often, which made me incredibly insecure. I questioned myself and whether I had done things right. Fortunately, the helpdesk helped me through this phase. Parenting is like weighing what weighs the heaviest, and what I am doing right.
I never gave up hope and especially didn’t give up my courage. I noticed that I would get irritated when older ladies tried to intervene when my son threw a tantrum in the supermarket, even though I was trying to ignore it!
I made a commitment to myself not to let anyone interfere with my son’s upbringing.
Despite people doing that quickly when they see you’re a young mother, I just tell them that if I don’t ask for help, I don’t want anyone to interfere. This helps in many situations.
I now read a lot about parenting and seek advice from the helpdesk and other mothers. This has given me the confidence to tackle the next challenging phase of parenting with determination.